Get Basic Diet Consultation from Dr Suneeti Khandekar

डॉ. सुनीति खांडेकर से किडनी आहार संबंधी परामर्श प्राप्त करें

Get pre-recorded detailed discussion on principles of kidney diet based on the kidney disease you suffer with. Get Diet for Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis and Early CKD stages

हेमोडायलिसिस, पेरिटोनियल डायलिसिस और प्रारंभिक सीकेडी चरणों के लिए आहार प्राप्त करें

Discover How To Stay Healthy
With Kidney Disease 

Dispel the most common misconceptions held about diet in kidney disease. 

गुर्दे की बीमारी में आहार के बारे में प्रचलित सबसे आम गलतफहमियों को दूर करें.

Unlock the mystery behind protein management in kidney disease. 

गुर्दे की बीमारी में प्रोटीन सेवन के पीछे के रहस्य को जानें.

Experience a surge in daily energy.

          दैनिक ऊर्जा में वृद्धि का अनुभव करें

Find out how to normal daily food can be accommodated in the life of a patient with kidney disease. 

जानें कि किडनी रोग से पीड़ित रोगी के जीवन में सामान्य दैनिक भोजन को किस प्रकार समायोजित किया जा सकता है.

Meet Your Medical Nutritionist

Dr Suneeti Khandekar

Dr. Suneeti Ashwinikumar Khandekar is a distinguished medical professional and nutrition expert. With a robust career spanning various esteemed hospitals and institutes, Dr. Khandekar has become a leading authority in kidney nutrition.

After earning her medical degree and gaining invaluable experience in the medical field, she specialized in nutrition at SNDT, Mumbai. Dr. Khandekar honed her expertise at the prestigious Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, where she served as a dietitian.

Currently, she offers her expertise as a nutrition consultant in Nagpur, Maharashtra. Dr. Khandekar is also an accomplished author with three highly acclaimed books on kidney nutrition: "Indian Diets in Kidney Diseases," its Hindi counterpart "Kidney ka Swasthya Hindustani Swad ke Saath," and the Marathi version "Kidney che Aajaar ani Bhartiya Aahaar." These books are available on Amazon, Flipkart, and other online platforms, with "Indian Diets in Kidney Diseases" achieving Amazon bestseller status in the diet book category. 

How Does It Work

Pre- Recorded Videos (10-15 Min Duration)

Watch Multiple Times.

Address Core Issues in Kidney Diet. 

Accessible for 14 Days. Starts at INR 299/-

Choose Your Diet

  This is a pre-recorded video. It addresses the most common concerns in the kidney diet. It will help you get an overview of diet in kidney disease. For tailor made diet plans, click here to consult Dr Suneeti Khandekar.  

Hemodialysis Diet. INR 399/-

CAPD Diet INR 399/-

CKD Diet INR 399/-

यह एक प्री-रिकॉर्डेड वीडियो है. यह किडनी आहार में सबसे आम चिंताओं का समाधान करता है। इससे आपको किडनी रोग में आहार का अवलोकन प्राप्त करने में मदद मिलेगी। वैयक्तिकृत आहार योजनाओं के लिए, डॉ सुनीति खांडेकर से परामर्श करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

This is a pre-recorded video. It addresses the most common concerns in the kidney diet. It will help you get an overview of diet in kidney disease. For tailor made diet plans, click here to consult Dr Suneeti Khandekar.